Word mark (registration)
With this registration you obtain a trademark right, which ensures that you have the exclusive right to use a word mark, consisting of one or more words, in a certain field of work. The word mark may consist of, for example, the name of your organization or the name of the product you market.
Logo (registration)
The logo registration ensures that you get an exclusive right to use a certain logo in a certain field of work. Think for example of the logo of your organization.
Your trademark is only eligible for registration if it is distinctive. Both word and visual elements will be taken into account when assessing this. The name (word mark) or a logo of a product or service may not emphasize what the trademark means. Think of the example that Apple can be registered as a trademark for computers, but not for apples or fruit.
Registration area
The monopoly that you obtain as a result of trademark registration only applies in a certain registration area. The possibilities include registration on a national level, registration within the Benelux, registration within the EU and worldwide trademark registration.
Your rights after trademark registration
As a result of the trademark registration you get a monopoly (also called an exclusive right) for the use of your trademark. If a distinctive word mark or pictorial trademark (or both) is registered in the trademark register, and another party appears to be using the same word mark or pictorial trademark, or virtually the same word mark or logo trademark, you can oppose this. This party may owe you damages as a result of violating your trademark rights.